TRAVEL-COOK, both foodies, Disability Management Specialist Mary Sherwood Sevinsky and Husband, Jim Shiber, an orientation and mobility instructor, love to travel, cook, and eat! Most often, the food we make is much better than that we get in restaurants, so we often have to get creative when traveling, especially in rural areas!
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
International Association of Rehab Professionals (IARP) Membership Benefits!
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Take a couple minutes/$$ to support our hospital staff in the south!
#ForidaNoCOVID Many of you know my brother-in-law and his wife work in the ER, where he reports they are out of beds, rooms, ventilators, orderlies, doctors, AND nurses due to COVID!
We can’t do a lot about that, but I thought I would ask you to send cards or care packages to his hospital with #ForidaNoCOVID in the second line of the address, so the hospital knows it is safe to open.
Feel like making cookies? Send them! I am sure they would love some lip balm or hand lotion – buy a bunch and ship from Amazon! I am sending some healthy snacks from NatureBox, but some of my other online gift sites include 800Flowers, Spoonful of Comfort, and CardFool.
Or, send a hand-written note or letter. You know I NEVER do this, but I have been watching FL very closely and just feel I need to do something – please join me and share this with YOUR friends!
#ForidaNoCOVID Don’t care about Florida? Make up your own hashtag and pick your own hospital! Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana are also extremely overwhelmed with patients being younger and younger... Damn Delta.
UF Health North
ER or ICU gift
15255 Max
Leggett Pkwy
FL 32218

Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Maryland JTF - IARP Chesapeake Webinar Series 2021
Our fall series was well received and well attended - thank you all! We look forward to seeing you at our New Year Series beginning in January 2021. We
'll keep the same approach - Zoom meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. Please save these dates for now - more info to come!
Great news from the WCC- they are processing the Maryland CEU for those of you who were able to attend all three in the series. You should receive them in the next couple of weeks. We have arranged for the same for the next three - attend all Webinars in the series and get the Maryland CEU!
We'll send out more information, of course, but let us know if you have any questions or suggestions in the meantime!
Both organizations hope you have a safe and pleasant holiday season and will see you in the New Year!
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Pandemic Pains: Newish Normal?
When I started this blog, I intended to share the many adventures we had traveling all over the country and, more recently, continent! A bit frugal, we often "cook" most of our meals rather than spending so much on restaurant food. Don't get me wrong! We spend our fair share of money in fine local establishments and used to enjoy it.
I say used to enjoy it because we have had all of our trips canceled so far this year and haven't set foot in a restaurant or bar for ages. Some are open here in Delaware, but we haven't screwed up the courage to go. We've done plenty of cooking at home of course, but haven't thought to share this more mundane activity as I would have when traveling.
We have a trip upcoming - a surf fishing trip to the Outerbanks of North Carolina. We have a house and will likely bring our food with us, so it should be relatively safe and, hopefully, fun!
To be honest, I am afraid to get excited. It's a month away and who knows what will happen between now and then? An election at least.
Earlier this year I had never even heard of Zoom, now all my meetings are via Zoom and not in person. It's not the same. I miss seeing people. I miss the smile of recognition, hell, even existence.
I counsel my injured workers all the time: One of the things people miss most about not working is socialization - when we see people they know they exist. I have always believed this, but know I know it.
Did you know Google assistant will send you a joke or pay you a compliment daily? Neither did I, but I do now. Sometimes it is just enough to pick me up, even when I don't know I need it. We all do.
I think for now, I'll share some of the cooking we do at home. At least until we can go back out into the big, bad world, whatever that will look like!
Stay safe and enjoy those in your bubble or pod or whatever it is you have for you and yours....
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Friday, February 28, 2020
Nature's Healing Powers
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Travel Travel Little Mouse
Backpackers vs. Glampackers: What Kind of Traveler Are You?
Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Professional, Rehab, & Occupational Services, LLC
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood
Friday, February 7, 2020
2020’s Most Surprising Health Trends
Best quick fry pork chops
Bougie. Humph! Short for bour·geois (/bo͝orˈZHwä,ˈbo͝orZHwä/)
- "of or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes."a rich, bored, bourgeois family""
Home Post Holidays!
Your January activity
Places visited
RAR Brewing
9% around the world this year
You've traveled a total of 2,363 miles so far in 2020