Monday, September 5, 2011

Hurricane Irene Cleanup!

We were very lucky to have so little damage, really. Lost a couple of big limbs from a tree out back that we will likely need to cut down now. I had to pick up all the wayward sticks while Jim applied the chain saw.... Hard work for a Labor Day Weekend! Hope to get in some fishing before the rain, at least.

I got a picture of the culprits who have been devastating our garden:

This Golden Orb was temporarily relocated to our deck door (from the back porch/holly tree where he typically resides):

And I keep trying to get the hummingbirds, but they are FAST!

We put our time locked up inside and our harbaneros from the garden to good use making a huge batch of hotsauce!

Before and after shots of the damage:



Random Shots from Hurricane Ida in our illicit drive around Lewes and Rehoboth:

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