Darn! Had planned on a trip to Jacksonville for a Blues Festival in April... Jim just happened to mention to me that one of his favorite performers, Michael Burks, is performing at one there in March! This means he would likely not be performing in Jacksonville at the other one two weeks later in early April.... No line up is published for either, so not sure what this means for my Christmas present planning! Will keep and eye on Jacksonville Events and Festivals in 2011 / 2012: Jacksonville, Florida - FL, USA and see what fleshes out (hopefully by Christmas?).
November, 2011
I can't believe I still haven't uploaded photos from our trip to the King Biscuit Festival in Arkansas last month! We had a great trip, awesome weather and a stellar line up, including (among so many others): Buddy Guy, Michael Burks, Big Bill Morganfield, Lonnie Shields, Blind Mississippi Morris, Ernest Guitar Roy, and T Model Ford.
August, 2011
Back from a family cruise to Bermuda! Love the family and LOVE being home! There is nothing like being able to get your coffee BEFORE you get dressed, sleep til noon and still be able to eat breakfast, and not be any where any time for anything.
Got some great pictures, including the best one recently of Jim and I.
We are looking forward to planning some more trips and traveling, but overall just looking forward to being home everyday.....